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Dementia resources – news and ideas


‘If you feel it, just do it’ is the advice of Feyi Raimi-Abraham. ‘Don’t stop and wait to have all the ducks in a row for your business idea, because it will never happen’… Read more


The charity Dementia Adventure is providing free regular online dementia skills sessions for family and friends caring for somebody with dementia, as well staff and volunteers who support people with dementia as part of their work… Read more


People living with dementia are often restless and can pluck at their clothes and bedding. It has been found that if they have something to hold or twiddle with they are stimulated and become calmer. Many hospitals are looking for people to knit hand muffs with interesting bits and bobs attached inside and out - ribbons, buttons, threads, beads and so on. The hand muffs are basically knitted tubes from wools of different colours and... Read more

A Pocket Guide to Arts Activities for Pe

It’s thanks to Martha Pollard, who is Dementia Befriending and Carer Support Programmes Manager at the Eric Liddell Centre (ELC) in Edinburgh, that we came across this resource: A Pocket Guide to Arts Activities for People with Dementia. Martha works with a group called ‘Lunch Breaks’, which is attended by people living with dementia, and carers. The programme offers a range of activities to suit varying interests, she says. ‘Connectivity grows over the shared... Read more


Those of you interested in activities that benefit brain function in later life may enjoy learning more about Brainfit Connect, which aims to improve the quality of life of older people in a residential or care home setting. BrainFit Connect provides residents in care homes, ‘even those with mild to moderate dementia’, with an extensive range of mentally stimulating activities connections with the wider world through easy to use touch screen technology. It has... Read more

Daily Sparkle.png

Much appreciated by care home Activity Coordinators around the country, the Daily Sparkle is a reminiscence newspaper specially developed to provide daily stimulation, interest, enjoyment and fun for older people and people living with dementia. It is an online newspaper, which is described as ‘about the world many older people live in, a world which we see as the past, but which is often their experience of reality. The articles trigger memories of times when... Read more

Dementia Enabler in the Diocese of Lichfield, Sarah Thorpe, is supporting churches in northern Shropshire in becoming more dementia-friendly churches at the heart of dementia-friendly communities. You can read her blog here . Sarah is willing to share the dementia-friendly churches material that she is using in the Diocese of Lichfield. One document is a simple 'Passport', being used as a tool to have a discussion about favourite hymns, services, prayers and Bible verses, as... Read more

Immanuel Church in Southbourne, Bournemouth, is pioneering work with dementia. Many churches employ youth workers and children & families workers but Immanuel also employs a worker dedicated to working with the older members of the community with a special emphasis on those living with dementia. Recognising the importance of spirituality for those with dementia, Immanuel has planted a church in one of the larger care homes in Southbourne with weekly Bible studies and fortnightly services... Read more

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