Celebrating the Seasons in Residential Care Homes: A service for every week of the year
is a storehouse of treasure for worship leaders who are looking for inspiration and a fresh approach.
This week at the Anna Chaplaincy annual network gathering online, Lindsay described the book's genesis and shared some of her expertise in this field, built up over years of experience of helping teams deliver worship in care settings for both Methodist Homes (MHA) and The Gift of Years Rugby.
This new book is a resource for chaplains, ministers and lay worship leaders who take services of worship in residential care homes for older people.
It's a colourful book providing ideas, downloadable orders of service and creative seasonal activities for every week of the year and enables care homes to celebrate the seasons of Advent, Christmas, Lent, Holy Week, Easter, Pentecost, Harvest and Remembrance in meaningful and accessible ways.
Lindsay Pelloquin (chaplain) and Jaye Keightley (activities coordinator) have extensive experience working with older people including those with physical and sensory disabilities and people living with dementia and complex needs. They advise on how to prepare for and lead services which are accessible and enable older residents to engage and participate in worship.
The book tackles how to overcome some of the very real challenges faced by those leading worship in care home environments and includes ideas for suitable music and hymns, visual material, creative activities and other resources.
Each service in the book has been tried and tested in a number of different care homes and includes suggested hymns, Bible readings, sample talks and prayers of appropriate length and content which can be adapted by the chaplain or worship leader for their own situation.
This resource will bring colour and life to care home environments and encourage older residents to keep growing in their faith or, perhaps indeed, to find faith for the first time.
Celebrating the Seasons in Residential Care Homes: A service for every week of the year by Lindsay Pelloquin and Jaye Keightley (The Paul Thomas Group, 2022).