Morning Bell
Ian Adams is a poet, writer and photographer working with themes of spirituality, culture and what it is to be 'a human-being within the natural world'. Ian’s first complete collection of poems is called Unfurling (2014), and among his other books are Running Over Rocks (2013) and Cave Refectory Road (2013). All are published by Canterbury Press.
I've been receiving his daily Morning Bell postings for free for some time now. They consist of a striking image and a biblical text or meaningful phrase to ruminate over throughout the day. Adams is chaplain at Ridley Hall, Cambridge, and spirituality adviser for Church Mission Society (CMS).
'Morning Bell is a way to enter stillness on even the busiest of days,' he writes, 'seeking that still point of our belovedness from which everything tough may be faced, and from which everything good can emerge.' Morning Bell's daily image is created and posted by Ian on social media or can be accessed by email. Click here for news of how to subscribe.
Phone apps
There are a number of phone apps which offer a scriptural text each day. You might like to do an online search for the following: Daily Bible verse inspirations, Biblify: Bible inspirations, daily Bible devotions, verse-a-day: daily Bible verses.
Bible Reflections

BRF has almost a hundred-year history of producing Bible notes for daily use. I use New Daylight, and specifically for readers in their later years there are our Bible Reflections for Older People. For less than £20, you could subscribe for a set to be sent every four months to a relative or friend, say in care home or sheltered accommodation, for a whole year.
