An update on her Anna Chaplaincy from Susan Godolphin in Camborne, Cornwall:
‘Since being licensed as an Anna Chaplain I am pleased to say that we now have a pastoral team at Camborne Church. During December, we were able to visit and give cards and a knitted, praying, Christmas Angel (thanks to Pat and Carol) to all of our church family who no longer come to church because of age or illness. The angels were very well received and have all gone to good homes.
‘Apart from several home visits, I was also able to visit three care homes. I would like to be able to offer to take a monthly service in one of them so would value your prayers in deciding what my next step should be.
‘To me, Anna Chaplaincy is like the Specsavers advert on TV. When you can’t get to Specsavers they come to you. When you can’t get to church the Anna Chaplain will bring church to you!’
Susan Godolphin – Anna Chaplain