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  • Writer's pictureDebbie Thrower

Calling – via Zoom – all of you interested in resources

Join us to find out more - open to non network members too!

In response to the Covid-19 pandemic there has been a blossoming across the Anna Chaplaincy network of creative new resources and materials being produced. Many have been kindly shared with us, and I've been highlighting these on the blog and showing how they can be used.

As part of our ongoing support for all interested in ministry among older people, we are inviting you to a session where these resource ideas will be showcased and we'll give practical explanations of how and why they've been produced and used, to help you continue to provide the best possible spiritual care you can in these challenging times.

The session is on Tuesday 7 July at 10.30 am–12.00 noon.

If you would like to come along, then please email back to coordinator Alex Burn – – by Friday 3 July to reserve your free place.

This session is open to everyone supporting older people – not just our Anna Chaplaincy network but members of the public as well so please do invite others from your church who may be interested, but they will be required to email back themselves to book their place.

Everyone will be sent the link to the Zoom meeting the day before.

With all good wishes

Debbie, Julia, Alex and Wendy



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