It's great to see that more than three thousand people have already tuned in to watch 'Care Home Chaplaincy' – the online service this week from the Church of England. It showcases Anna Chaplains around the country and all the work teams who are taking ministry into care homes are doing to keep people connected at this time.
There are interviews with resident Joan Wedge explaining how 'strange' life is for her at the moment at Lawnbrook care home in Southampton because of Covid-19, and with manager Marie Toledo and care assistant Joanne Morrison. Joan says her faith 'means everything' to her.
Feedback has been very good. One viewer said: 'It has been a total delight and privilege to have watched and listened to the C of E service today.'
Another that, 'This was a very special service to watch with that wonderful hymn to start off with ('My song is love unknown') – my favourite, and also the lovely Taizé chant.
'Love, Pray, Act is an excellent mantra for these times.
'I felt so sorry for Joan who seemed lost as she tries to make sense of her new life, to this part of the world after living in Suffolk for so long. One could understand it was a huge upheaval for her in so many ways. Thank goodness for the Anna Chaplaincy which is bringing her support and comfort.'
The Bishop of Winchester, the Rt Revd Tim Dakin, said: 'It’s brilliant to see this emphasis, showing how we support those in care homes and be part of people’s ongoing spiritual journey in later life.'