I have been a New Daylight reader for years (writes Debbie Thrower). I must have been a teenager when I was given my first BRF Bible reading notes around the time of my confirmation. So it was with pleasure and some trepidation that I accepted an invitation to write a series of notes for the BRF centenary edition of New Daylight beginning in January 2022.
Appropriately, I have reflected on what Simeon and Anna have to teach us about ageing wisely and well. They both appear, of course, in the second chapter of Luke’s gospel.
Anna Chaplains might like to squirrel away ideas for their preaching and teaching at Candlemas when we'll celebrate the lives of these faithful older people in early February next year!
New Daylight comes out three times a year. An annual subscription costs £18 (including shipping). The single January to April edition costs £4.75 (exclusive of postage) and is also available from BRF online.
Either way, such a gift might be a lovely one to receive this Christmas – a daily reminder of the giver – and a chance to pause and gain strength from God’s word day by day.