An article on Anna Chaplaincy by Debbie Thrower features in the current issue of Transforming Ministry.
Editor Richenda Milton-Daws says that this one and the next – the two remaining issues this year – will focus on chaplaincy and how to be an inclusive and welcoming church.
‘I have had so much lovely material on chaplaincy – I think we could probably have filled a book!’, she told Debbie.
Many different types of chaplaincy are highlighted in the magazine.

In her article, Debbie unpacks why the widow Anna provides such inspiration for this ministry among older people.
She includes examples of Anna Chaplaincy from the northeast and the southeast and describes how Portsmouth Diocese (which includes south Hampshire and the Isle of Wight) is working to make such spiritual support available ‘in every parish in the diocese’.
You can buy the current issue here. There is also a twelve-month magazine subscription available.