It is such a long time since we held our annual Gathering of the Anna Chaplaincy network in person rather than online. Excitement is building as we put the final details of the programme together for November 8-9, 2023. We are so looking forward to meeting new Anna Chaplains who have joined more recently as well as familiar faces and old friends among our colleagues.
By the way, if you have been meaning to book there are still just a few places left. I'm afraid they are limited to those who are in our national network - that's Anna Chaplains, and those in similar roles, licensed to undertake this ministry among older people in our name.
As ever, we have some wonderful guest speakers, as well as plenty of time to hear from chaplains working in so many different contexts right around the UK. This year's theme is 'Paying Attention' as ours is a ministry of presence; an incarnational approach to serving people in Christ's name whether they are of strong. little or no faith at all.
We're back at High Leigh where we have had such enjoyable Gatherings in the past. Newly refurbished bedrooms mean everyone has ensuite bathrooms. The price for all we're offering in terms of worship, stimulating sessions, talks and activities, plus all meals and accommodation - from midday on November 8, through to mid-afternoon on November 9 - is £170 per person.
Contact to make your booking. It's a wonderful opportunity to swap stories, make friends and hone your chaplaincy skills. Don't delay though to avoid disappointment!