Despite lockdown restrictions lifting for the majority of us, some Anna Chaplains have still not been able to visit or worship with residents and staff in the way they had done previously. At present, there is still uncertainty about the best way forward with some care homes still very cautious about admitting visitors.
Revd Sally Rees, Anna Chaplaincy church Lead in Wales, has devised a leaflet you might wish to adapt for your own purposes if you, too, are finding it difficult to gain admittance.
In simple terms, Sally explains in a few pages that ‘we would love to come back to visit and to worship together but recognise some of the difficulties this may involve in these times of pandemic. This leaflet highlights what we as Anna Chaplain/Anna Friends/pastoral visitors can offer in the way of providing friendship and spiritual care for staff and residents at this present time...’
If you’d like to look at the leaflet and perhaps personalise it for your own use – substituting your own photos, name of the care home and contact details, etc. – you are welcome, says Sally. You can download a word document of the leaflet below which you can edit for your own use.