One of Anna Chaplaincy's partners in the coalition Christians Together Against Loneliness, the British Red Cross, has published a hard-hitting report Life after Lockdown: Tackling loneliness among those left behind. Here are the key findings:
This report shines a spotlight on some of the communities at risk of being left behind – people who live alone and have been shielding, those living with young children, people from BAME backgrounds, younger people, people seeking asylum and people living with a long-term physical or mental health condition.
Before the Covid-19 emergency, one in five people felt often or always lonely.
Yet, according to our new polling, 41 per cent of adults across the UK report feeling lonelier since lockdown, with 33 per cent saying they haven’t had a meaningful conversation in the last week.
We are conscious that although social distancing and lockdown measures will continue to be eased in time, a significant cohort of the population will remain lonely, affecting the health, well-being and productivity of our communities. A third of adults feel their loneliness will continue to get worse.
Life after lockdown draws on findings from a collection of polling, interviews and evaluations from British Red Cross services during Covid-19.
To ensure no one is left behind and feels alone, we have set out four recommendations for policy makers and civil society:
Prioritise those most vulnerable to loneliness.
Secure sustained funding for tackling loneliness.
Continue to roll out social prescribing and ensure it delivers for loneliness.
Work collaboratively across sectors and specialisms, and with people with lived experience of loneliness.
