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  • Writer's pictureDebbie Thrower

New Messy Vintage book - out this month!

Updated: Jan 14, 2021

A new idea for every week of the year…

Full of ways to celebrate different seasons of the year and Christian festivals with older generations in a really user-friendly fashion. Published on 22 January you can order the new book, by Katie Norman and Jill Phipps, now from BRFonline.

I am thrilled to see it hit the shelves after all the writing and road-testing to ensure all the sessions work without a hitch.

In the foreword I wrote: 'This book is the fruit of an irrepressible delight in the fact that God is doing something new. Such enthusiasm for it is infectious. Katie and Jill are a formidable duo, determination personified, when it comes to making church happen in some of the least likely places.

'Let them guide you into the art of creating worship which touches all the senses and, quite simply, sets people free to be who God wants them to be.'

Katie and Jill have produced a fund of ideas for groups of people of all ages and abilities, but especially those in their later years who are keen to have fun worshipping through words, songs, and with all sorts of tactile materials.



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