Cumbria-based Anna Chaplain Beverley Moore has taken her monthly Kendal Tea Service on tour - to the very portals of Windsor Castle no less! Her regular recorded services have been taking place throughout the lockdowns and she explained why they are still necessary:
'Whilst we have been blessed to be able to get back into some of our residential homes and begin services the Kendal Tea Service is still being recorded from outside venues and a link sent into the homes for the residents to watch as it is probably going to be Christmas at the earliest before the residential homes here will allow the residents to come out in a group and attend the church itself for the Tea Service'.
For the August Tea Service she had a bit of a “busman’s holiday”, taking the opportunity while visiting Windsor, for her husband Graeme to use his camera to record a service she had prepared earlier! 'We had hoped to record from inside St George’s Chapel but, unfortunately this was not allowed. The Chapel did, however give my details to Revd Sally Lodge who invited us to film from The Garrison Church in Windsor where she is vicar. It was a lovely church full of military history as it is home to two divisions of the army and also the Household Cavalry'.
The Windsor Tea Service can be viewed via the Kendal Parish Church website.
Beverley also tells us that she has updated the dementia-friendly area of her church and it is now called 'The Anna Chaplaincy Hub': 'a place where people can rest, be still and pray. There are also folders full of information about local events for older people along with access to leaflets from Age UK and Dignity in Dementia to name a few. The reminiscence items are also included here'. It is still a work in progress', she adds.