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  • Debbie Ducille

Two events on one day!

Two wonderful events are on offer – sadly, on the same day – for those who live locally or can travel to the south of England, on Monday 13 May. The fantastic Caraway Project in Southampton is offering their annual Refresh & Resource Day, entitled ‘A bright hope for tomorrow’, exploring spiritual health and loneliness with friends of Anna Chaplaincy, Jeremy Sharpe of Linking Lives and Pioneer Priest in the Arts, Gill Sakakini. For more information and how to book, click here.

Also taking place on 13 May is a day course at Sarum College, Salisbury, with James Woodward and Anna Chaplaincy team member Julia Burton-Jones. Entitled ‘The practice of spiritual care’, the course ‘will focus on the broader spiritual needs we all share, whether or not we profess religious faith. How can chaplains, and others with a heart for the wellbeing of each person they meet, enable spiritual flourishing?’ For more information and how to book, click here.



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