We’re adding all the time to our really useful Easy Guides on a whole host of issues people confront in ministry and when volunteering in church and community settings.
For example, one of the latest gives top tips for when ‘Praying with an older person’, and is written by Revd Sally Bates who works among older people in Frinton, Essex. Each guide is short and to the point, just two sides of A4, and with plenty of bullet points and guidance as to further reading and resources.
They’re all written by members of the Anna Chaplaincy network and other experts linked to our work among older people, who bring years of experience to bear between them when it comes to pastoral matters.
We now have ten Easy Guides to choose from. The other new one, just published this week, is on ‘Recruiting and equipping volunteers to build relationships with individual care home residents’. Tina English has written this one for us, as she’s the founder of Embracing Age, who run the Care Home Friends programme.

Each Easy Guide is free to download from our website. Just look under the Resources tab for Easy Guides.
Here are some of the other popular subjects covered since we started the series which is aimed at new network members, church leaders, pastoral team members and lay volunteers:
Easy Guide 1: Running a ‘Holiday at Home’
Easy Guide 2: Linking care homes with local schools
Easy Guide 3: Running Messy Vintage in community settings
Easy Guide 4: Setting up a dementia café
Easy Guide 5: Forging links with care homes
Easy Guide 6: Enabling worship in care homes
Easy Guide 7: Undertaking a pastoral visit for a person in their own home
Easy Guide 8: Being present with someone who is dying
We’re adding new titles all the time so if you have an idea for one we haven’t yet produced, do contact us annachaplaincy@brf.org.uk. We want to build a really comprehensive ‘Go to’ section so that no one has to panic and say to themselves, ‘where do I start?’ when it comes to anything connected with the spiritual and emotional support of older people and carers.

Take a good look yourself and remember to point others towards them who might not realise they’re available. We’re always keen to receive feedback, so let us know what you think of them – annachaplaincy@brf.org.uk.