A Carer's Guide series
Hard-pressed care workers are on the front line in the fight against Covid-19. With visiting so restricted, they are the only people there to provide spiritual care and support to those they care for. So, to support carers, BRF has published a range of booklets, drawing on the expertise of Anna Chaplains to Older People across the country. Read sample pages here.
The aim of the new guides is to give carers the confidence and skills to enable those in their care not only to cope emotionally and spiritually but even to thrive, despite challenging circumstances. The five titles are:
How to take care of yourself in stressful times
How to help someone spiritually towards the end of life
How to worship with a group of residents
How to worship with individuals in your care
How to have a memorial service at home when you are unable to attend the funeral
At £2.50 each, with special offers on packs and bulk orders, these guides offer excellent value and are set to become a must-have resource for care home staff everywhere.
These titles can be ordered from BRFonline.