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A FREE Bible Lipreading Class – sign up for the New Year course

You are invited to join a four-week online Bible Lipreading class. Do spread the word to those with hearing difficulties who might appreciate the course.

Lipreading is a vital communication skill for many people with hearing loss. It’s the ability to read the lip shapes, gestures, and facial movements of a person while they are speaking, in order to gain a better understanding of what they are saying.

Joining a lipreading class is a significant step towards regaining confidence for those with a hearing loss. It is fun too!

The course is designed for people who have a hearing loss or people interested in helping those with a hearing loss. It will teach some basic lipreading shapes following a Biblical theme for each week and give strategies for supporting communication.

This is a FREE online Zoom course but donations to Anna Chaplaincy work would be appreciated.

Monday afternoons from 2.00 – 3.00 pm – January 15, 22, 29, and February 5.

Here is what people said after attending a course earlier this year:

'Wonderful course, well taught, and great fun! Nice to meet new people, and this has given me much to think about, both in my Chapel, and more generally in life, as I come to terms with partial hearing loss.’

‘I found the course very useful, and I am already incorporating what I have learnt into my church life. I would unreservedly recommend the course to others. I found the ideas discussed as to how to make the church more accessible to those who are hard of hearing particularly helpful – both in how I myself communicate with others but also ideas about the technological support available and where to access it.’

‘Judi is an excellent teacher. I have hearing difficulties and doing this course made me realise how much I can already lipread.’

‘Thank you for a very informative and helpful course. Clergy should be offered the course and other Anna Chaplains.’

‘I really enjoyed the course and learned how to help myself, with mild/moderate age-related hearing loss – future proofing, and more usefully now, some changes I can suggest to my church PCC to cater more practically for the needs of others.’

Sign up by emailing

Judi Pettman, Lipreading tutor

Judi is a Christian and a qualified Lipreading tutor working with Anna Chaplains to support their work with older people.

Download a flyer about the course here .



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