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A timely resource for service or home group leaders


 'Nearer my God'

Trevor Roff recently got in touch with us. He has been ministering in one of the Pilgrim Homes for several years now and recently had the idea of developing, and self-publishing, a book of his short talks.

The messages from the Gospel of Matthew and the book of Psalms are reinforced by short points all starting with the same letter and each section is accompanied by suggested hymns and a closing prayer.

The collection of talks could be a useful resource to use with a group of Christian older people (e.g. at a church midweek group or at care home service). If you would be interested in buying a copy of the book from Trevor, at a cost of £10 including postage, you can contact him at .

Trevor says “This book was written in the firm belief that we can all play a part in God’s redemption plan, no matter how old we are”.



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