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  • Writer's pictureDebbie Thrower

Ageing and despair

Updated: Sep 17, 2020

A Virtual Interdisciplinary Conference, 'Ageing and Despair: Towards patience and hope for health and care'

Hosted by The MacDonald Centre for Theology, Ethics and Public Life in the Faculty of Theology and Religion at the University of Oxford, this virtual event took place on 4 September 2020, but videos of the 14 presentations are now available to view online.

Speakers included BRF author Joanna Collicutt speaking about ‘Death and life: the crafting of Christian resources for living well in the light of mortality’, and newly appointed Anna Chaplaincy lead for Cumbria Katherine Froggatt speaking about ‘Re-imagining ageing in the context of living and dying’. There are presentations on the ‘spirituality of ageing’, ‘the dark side of ageing’ and ‘elderhood and sabbath rest as vocation’, among other fascinating themes.

Videos of presentations vary in length from 15 to 36 minutes, and they remain available for several weeks. Though this is an academic event, the themes are central to Anna Chaplaincy and highly relevant to the spiritual care of older people.



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