Our house seems to be a magnet for bees, hornets and wasps at the moment. I live in the countryside (writes Debbie Thrower) so you’d expect to see them in the garden but they also make a ‘beeline’ for the roof, and any nooks and crannies in the cottage which look like a des res for their swarm!
Bees grace the cover of the latest edition of Bible Reflections for Older People September–December 2023. A series of thoughts on ‘The birds and the bees’ come from Derek Morgan, a recently retired IT professional. He thinks we can learn a lot from ‘ten of God’s awesome little creatures’, almost guaranteeing we’ll never look at these particular birds and bees in the same way again.
Also in this issue, is a lovely interview with Hampshire Anna Chaplain, Kate Powell, based in the birthplace of Anna Chaplaincy, the growing market town of Alton. Kate tells the story of how she was drawn to this ministry recognising she had ‘a real heart for older people.’
‘It was weird’, says Kate, but her varied career equipped her perfectly for the role. ‘It all came together. There are five objectives with this job and all five different roles I’ve had met one of the objectives.’
With some media experience it seemed obvious to Kate to showcase the life of a different older person each time she writes for local newspaper the Alton Herald under the series title, ‘Growing old gracefully.’ See the earlier blog.
Find out more about Kate’s rewarding work in this latest edition of Bible Reflections for Older People which also features fellow Anna Chaplaincy network member Erica Roberts, based in Southampton, ruminating on the ‘Breath of God.’
‘I have had my own breath taken away by the deep intimacy of God's life-giving breath.’ – Erica Roberts
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They make a good gift for someone grappling with changes in old age. They’re suitable for those who are newly retired and might feel they’re navigating a fresh rhythm to life.
An annual subscription costs £20.85 or a one-off copy £5.50 from BRF Online.