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  • Writer's pictureDebbie Thrower

'Explore Day' in Birmingham - for would be recruits?

Updated: Oct 23, 2023

Debbie Ducille, from BRF Ministries' national team, and local Anna Chaplain Debbie Gurling, attended two Archdeaconry Explore Days held by Church of England Birmingham recently, the latest being on Saturday, at St Barnabas, Erdington.

They offered a chance for members of Anglican churches in the diocese to hear about a wide range of ministries, and to be inspired as to what God might be leading them into. This was beautifully reflected by the extraordinary stained-glass window in the church, depicting tiny pilgrims journeying towards God, in the way of the cross.

Both events were well-attended, and there was significant interest in Anna Chaplaincy from clergy, and church members, from a variety of contexts. Some had never heard of Anna Chaplaincy, whilst others had been encouraged to find out more about this model of ministry from contacts in other parts of the UK.

‘These two events have left Debbie G buzzing!’ reflected Debbie D. ‘After four years of being the sole Anna Chaplain in our city (Sparkhill), it might just be that others will start to explore this vital, beautiful ministry.’

Please do join us in praying for all who are discerning their ministry calling, seeking to serve God and their communities with love and grace.




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