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  • Writer's pictureDebbie Thrower

Hold the back page! Julia features in the Church Times…

Our very own Julia Burton-Jones (training and development lead for Anna Chaplaincy here at BRF) has been interviewed by Terence Handley MacMath for the Church Times. The popular back page interview takes a questionnaire-style format. It's a popular part of the paper and often proves revealing!

Get to know Julia better as she answers some quite searching questions about childhood, career, home life and faith in the 5 August 2022 issue. You are able to read a few free articles a month online even if you are not a regular subscriber.

It's an appealing way of getting the message out about Anna Chaplaincy to an ever wider audience. And with its focus on Julia's expertise in dementia and spirituality generally, the article serves to re-emphasise just how very fortunate we are to have her as part of our team!




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