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  • Writer's pictureDebbie Thrower

News from some of our Anna Chaplains in and around Southampton

Updated: May 12, 2023

Margaret Hague is Anna Chaplain, Southampton West :

‘After enjoying our carol service in December at ‘Coffee, Cake & Connect’, we are hoping this year to reach more of the hundreds of older people living in Lordshill.

‘B who assists Margaret is visiting the coffee mornings at Sarnia Court and also the monthly community lunch at Lordshill Community Centre. Margaret continues with monthly visits to Rozel Court and Manston Court coffee mornings and also a monthly visit to Erskine Court. We also have lots of fun at our weekly Thursday coffee, cake and connect drop-ins located at Lordshill Church.

‘The ongoing jigsaw and craft sessions continue to go well with the second and fourth Thursday of the month being more dementia friendly with memory and singing sessions.’

‘One highlight of our year so far, has been a prayer walk which three of us undertook (in the car – as the weather was too cold and icy to walk!), praying for all those unknown to us who may be lonely, poorly or sad but known and loved by God.’

Carol Kidd – Anna Chaplain in Harefield and West End- writes: ‘My first year as an Anna Chaplain was inspiring and affirming. I am grateful for the support, encouragement and enthusiasm of Caraway and the nationwide Anna network through BRF.

‘Care home links include monthly services at Speedwell Court. At Easter, Harvest and Christmas I join the Abbeyfield chaplain in offering additional seasonal celebrations with stories, creative activities, prayer and song.

‘I led the funerals of two residents, one of whom I had also offered end-of-life bedside prayers.

‘As well as Speedwell, I also go into other residential homes and sheltered housing to spend time with residents.

Carol Kidd in her LLM robes (second from the right) at her commissioning supported by other local Anna Chaplains and members of Caraways.

‘The chaplaincy flows alongside and dove-tails with my lay ministry (as an Anglican LLM) and my role as pastoral coordinator. Supported by the pastoral team, a monthly community coffee morning has been established. A wide range of older people enjoy meeting and sharing together. Several who live with dementia come with their carers. ‘Receiving referrals via Caraway, Admiral Nurses, Care Navigators and directly from relatives brings challenges, yet these are outweighed by the privilege of “being there”, through home visits or phone calls, signposting to relevant resources for physical needs and supporting the spiritual well-being of people who are lonely and isolated.’ Caraway is a Christian charity that promotes and celebrates the wisdom and richness of old




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