We're leading an ‘Equip Day’ in Bristol next week, on Wednesday 13 November for churches and individuals interested in expanding their ministry among older people, in conjunction with the George Müller Charitable Trust. Please be aware that the venue has now changed to:
Ebenezer Church, 286 Filton Ave, Bristol BS7 0BA.
Called, ‘Making the most of our mature years’, it’s about equipping churches to offer spiritual care through the Anna Chaplaincy approach to supporting older people. Explore some of the spiritual and emotional issues facing individuals growing old in the 21st century and see what’s distinctive about the whole spirituality of ageing.

Take part in a Messy Vintage demonstration from practitioner Jill Phipps. See for yourself the benefits of focusing on helping people to go on growing spiritually.

If you want to see more ministry among older people, to see improved support for those living with dementia and their carers, and to celebrate all that our mature years have to offer, this day is a must. Do come and unlock how to take full advantage of the abundance of life-experience and wisdom among our older generations.
It is a free day with lunch, and Jill and I look forward to meeting you. Contact Müllers to book your place: admin@mullers.org.