We had lots to celebrate in 2024.... You may recall how staff members from across BRF Ministries and the national Anna Chaplaincy team were heavily involved in planning and organising a sponsored walk and other events last year, celebrating 10 years of Anna Chaplaincy as a national movement!

Back in September, Ministry Lead Debbie Ducille set out with friend Kate Arden-White to walk from the home of Anna Chaplaincy – Alton in Hampshire – to the home of BRF Ministries in Abingdon, a journey of approx. 60-65 miles.

Debbie Ducille looks back on 'an extraordinary celebratory service in Alton led by Revd Canon Andrew Micklefield with Pioneer Debbie Thrower; meetings with local church leaders and network members; a Messy Vintage service in a local care home setting and wonderful hospitality and encouragement along the way, culminating in a reflective service of thanksgiving in Abingdon, followed by a long soak in the bath!'
But Debbie and Kate’s walk was not the only activity taking place: all around the UK, the Anna Chaplaincy network got busy, over and beyond their usual ministry. More sponsored walks, tea parties, sing-alongs, coffee mornings and cake sales took place from Durham to Surrey and everywhere in between, as well as Julia Burton-Jones’ wonderful ‘Ten for Ten’ challenge across Kent, visiting local Anna Chaplains right across her patch, and walking alongside them.
Now the sponsored walk and anniversary donations have been added up, and the team are absolutely delighted to confirm that a grand total of £8,682 has been raised for Anna Chaplaincy! ‘I can’t tell you how inspiring and humbling this is for us,’ reflected Debbie.
‘Our walk was symbolic rather than super-challenging – no climbs up Mount Kilimanjaro involved! But this astonishing figure raised just goes to show how much Anna Chaplaincy means to people: to Anna Chaplains and their teams and churches, of course, but also to relatives and carers, who have received compassionate love and attention from the network, sometimes in such difficult times.’
‘We wanted to say to all our blog readers, to our supporters and to the wonderful network, of course – thank you. Thank you so much for all that you have given to this 10th anniversary fundraising event, and for all your prayers and support. Kate and I clearly felt, without question, a real sense of encouraging presence and accompaniment with us throughout the walk: we were definitely walking side by side with you. These funds will help BRF Ministries to sustain the team’s work as we aim to support you.’

But of course, if you feel you have missed the chance to donate to Anna Chaplaincy, there is always a way to do so! Please visit https://www.brf.org.uk/donate/ and follow the options to support us financially: every little really helps…. Thank you so much.