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Dementia Enabler in the Diocese of Lichfield, Sarah Thorpe, is supporting churches in northern Shropshire in becoming more dementia-friendly churches at the heart of dementia-friendly communities.

Sarah is willing to share the dementia-friendly churches material that she is using in the Diocese of Lichfield. One document is a simple 'Passport', being used as a tool to have a discussion about favourite hymns, services, prayers and Bible verses, as well as significant spiritual occasions, people and places. 

The passport was created to support people living with dementia – but in fact, she says, it’s been used effectively with a whole range of people. It can be filled in with someone living with dementia to share preferences and significant aspects of their lives which, as time goes on, might prove extremely valuable to those caring for someone. Download the PDF.

Drop Sarah a line if you’d like the link to her Dropbox file of material relevant to dementia-friendly churches:

You may also be interested in Dementia Coordinator for Churches Together in Cumbria, David Richardson’s, ‘Dementia Friendly-Churches’ Affirmation to people affected by dementia’. Download the PDF.

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