Mavis Martin, Anna Chaplain in Bridgend, South Wales, has been meeting her local civil dignitaries and getting her Anna Chaplaincy work noticed!
Mavis says: ‘I was quite shocked and surprised to receive an invitation to this event last month (6 March 2022) and wondered what it was all about and why I should be invited. I have to say that I was totally amazed at the end of it. There were a lot of local dignitaries, including the Lord High Sheriff, who all took the time to come and introduce themselves. They were very interested in the ministry and all offered to help in any way they could.
‘I learned from the local Councillors about their plans for the future of our town and saw their hearts for our community. I have tried previously to make contact and speak to each one of our councillors but without success however… God made a way where there seemed to be no way and our united journey continues. We serve a faithful God.’
Congratulations to Mavis for making the most of this ‘heaven-sent’ opportunity and we hope the links made will bear more fruit in future.