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Change and growth at 'Embracing Age'

Befriending in action Credit: Embracing Age

Anna Chaplaincy has collaborated for several years with fellow Christian charity Embracing Age as they work tirelessly mobilising volunteers to befriend care home residents and equipping churches for ministry amongst older people.

Sinead Crosbie, CEO of Embracing Age

Embracing Age’s founding CEO Tina English stepped down this summer and we welcome new CEO Sinead Crosbie who has taken her place.  Tina will continue to work for Embracing Age as a trustee.   

Tina wrote an excellent Anna Chaplaincy Easy Guide on recruiting and equipping volunteers to build relationships with care home residents which can be downloaded here: d5ef89_7fa073504b2749d3b32d8f76eed9e78a.pdf (

Carers Connected is a fruitful initiative of Embracing Age which was established during the Covid-19 pandemic.  Weekly Zoom sessions are held where Christian carers can meet to share their experiences and pray with one another.  As the ministry has grown, a need has arisen for more volunteer hosts for these online carers’ groups. 

Anyone with a Christian faith, a heart for carers, and group facilitation skills is encouraged to get in touch with Sarah Smith, coordinator of Carers Connected at Embracing Age.  For more information, please see their flyer.  Help is also valued in spreading the word about Carers Connected, which has been a lifeline for many Christians carers in recent years.





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