A warm welcome to James Reeve - a new Anna Chaplain in the Midlands. James is part of Elim Hope Church in Stafford.
He told us: 'It was a privilege to be commissioned as an Anna Chaplain on the 26th of January. It was lovely that Debbie Ducille was able to share in this special day.'
'My journey with Anna Chaplaincy started 18 months ago, when I heard of the amazing ministry Anna Chaplaincy do and God laid it on my heart that this a ministry that I really needed to be part of.'

'Since completing my Anna Chaplaincy training, I have been visiting an independent living property and have loved getting to know the folk that live there. It was encouraging that a number of them were able to attend the commissioning. Through these visits I have been able to meet with some local pastors, vicars and ministers who have been keen to know more about Anna Chaplaincy and how I can support residents in other care homes.
It is early days but I am encouraged by the positive responses. It is such an honour to be a part of this ministry and I am excited to see how God will lead me in developing this ministry locally.'

James was one of two Elim Anna Chaplains commissioned that day... news of the other one to follow!