Anna Chaplain Beth Georgiou thought we might like to mention the Harvest Festival held this week (Tuesday October 17) at St Mary’s, Ely, Cambridgeshire. It looks to have been quite a tour de force celebrating all things Apple-related!
Beth tells how around 90 older people bought tickets for the event. Some were residents at the care homes the Anna Chaplaincy team visit.
'We started in church with a traditional service led by the Revd Stephen Leeke, and we sang our favourite harvest hymns.
'Then we moved into the hall for a sit down feast and to meet friends old and new.'
What a choice of desserts were on offer - Apple Pie, Apple Crumble, Apple Charlotte, or Apple Streusel. 'Some of us even had a glass of cider! We raised more than £600 for one of our church charities: providing smokeless cookstoves in Nepal,' she said.
'Everyone was enthusiastic about our first Anna Chaplaincy event and asked what was planned next?!'
'Well done Beth and team' writes Debbie Thrower, 'including all the accomplished cooks and helpers.'