'I am the Alpha and the Omega
I am the beginning and the end
I have seen it all, my child
Every dip and bump and bend...'

Catherine Clowes, Anna Chaplaincy network member in North Yorkshire, has adapted a poem she composed about Covid-19 and Christ, in response to a request from fellow network members who hoped to use part of what she had written for the funeral of their close friend.
It was said to be 'perfect' for the occasion - and it so relevant to these uncertain times. Catherine was 'touched and humbled' that her words have gone on to be used in this way:
His Everlasting Arms
On His everlasting arms
That is the place that I must lean
For the things I fear ahead of me
He knows, He has already seen
The uncertain time that I am in
Is no surprise to Him
He knew that it was coming
Before it even did begin
And as the way forward remains unclear
The anxiety in me increases
Not sure what is safe or what to believe
The confusion can leave me in pieces
It was easy when I felt in control
When I didn’t need to make so many choices
Is there something I should do or should I just be?
So much noise and so many different voices
When my head is spinning and I cannot see straight
When I can’t see the wood for the trees
The Lord breaks in and He gently calls my name
Lift your eyes from your worry and look at me
I have seen the way you’re going
I have walked the paths you’ll tread
Though this world confuses and frightens
Look to me and know my peace instead
I am the Alpha and the Omega
I am the beginning and the end
I have seen it all, my child
Every dip and bump and bend
I am bigger than your worries
I am bigger than your fear
So lean hard into my loving arms
And know that I am always here
©Catherine Clowes
January 2021

Coincidentally the current issue of BRF's Bible reading notes New Daylight speaks of 'God the Father's everlasting arms' in relation to the subject of 'gladness'.
Writer Fiona Stratta says: 'As Christians we hold on to the realities and promises that give us strength keeping our focus on God's generosity… Like a candle flame, gladness shines most brightly in dark situations.'