At this time of great peril for Ukraine and the whole of Europe, you may wish to join others in prayer via an online retreat.
From next week, beginning on Monday 7 March, you are invited to a free online Lenten retreat, courtesy of Irish Chaplaincy. There is a week’s worth of morning sessions, from Monday 7 March through to Friday 11 March, taking place from 9.30 am each day via Zoom.
They will last for about 30–45 minutes with live music, prayer and a reflection from a different speaker each day. To sign up, contact
Monday 7 March – Eddie Gilmore
Eddie came to the Irish Chaplaincy in 2017, after spending 28 years as a member of L’Arche in Canterbury. He still lives in Canterbury, with Yim Soon whom he met at L’Arche and they have three grown-up children. He is the author of Looking Ahead with Hope: Stories of humanity, wonder and gratitude in a time of uncertainty (Darton Longman and Todd, 2021).
Tuesday 8 March – Pat Gaffney
Pat has been a volunteer with the seniors project at Irish Chaplaincy since 2019. Now retired, she is involved in a local community project linking Kennington with Bethlehem in Palestine, is a member of Women in Black who vigil for peace each week in central London and has enjoyed organising walks for Irish Chaplaincy and Pax Christi over the past year. Pat worked for CAFOD for 10 years and was coordinator of Pax Christi for 30 years.
Wednesday 9 March – Sister Philomena Purcell
Sr Philomena is an Ursuline sister who talks to God as a friend and who finds God mostly in nature. She has been the RC chaplain in HMP Chelmsford for the past 20 years.
Thursday 10 March – Jon Cornwall
Jon wrote his thesis for St Mary’s University on ‘the language of discipleship’ and has been working as the director for membership for the St Vincent de Paul Society (SVP) in England and Wales for the past three or so years. He loves to share stories that remind us where it is possible to see the face of Christ. He considers it a privilege of his role that he is able to be inspired daily.
Friday 11 March – Father John Cullen
Fr John was ordained for Elphin Diocese, County Roscommon, Ireland, in 1978. He has served on the emigrant mission in London, as a volunteer missionary in Kenya and in various pastoral roles in Elphin Diocese. He is a former editor of Intercom and he writes for many publications. He is now the Catholic representative on an interfaith outreach programme to homeless people, as well as serving as chaplain in Nazareth House care home in Hammersmith.