Network members Aaron Reeves and Beverley McArdle have been busy recording services for the many care homes in Brighton and Hove that their City Mission reaches. You might find what they are putting together helpful resources for care homes in your own areas.
Accessed via Facebook or YouTube, the first one, entitled 'Who am I?', combines music and prayer with a simple yet profound message of God's love for each one of us whoever we are and whatever circumstances we find ourselves in.
Aaron dropped us a line to say: 'I'm sharing our new project with you, which is our new online services, including some hymns. I wonder if there would be anything you could do to draw people's attention to it, by way of sharing or a blog post? We would be very grateful!'
Take a look, and do let others know these services are available. They're a good new way of reaching people who are lonely, confined to home, self-isolating or in quarantine, or living in a residential setting and eager for worship during these times of restricted visiting.