The White Stone: The art of letting go
The White Stone: The art of letting go (Canterbury Press, 2021) by Esther De Waal was largely written during lockdown and is the author’s way of ‘exploring my feelings, making sense of my situation.’ She writes in the opening pages:
‘We all have to face up to the process of letting go at intervals throughout our lives, and for everyone that response will be different. I feel what I have achieved amounts to little more than hints and glimpses into a vast and vital topic. I hope that this book may encourage others to dialogue with what I have written here.’
Each chapter starts with a photograph of flowers, trees and natural settings which have meant so much to her as she embarks on a new stage of life in a city.
You can read Debbie Thrower’s blog post on the book here.
This title is published by Canterbury Press and you can order it here.