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  • Writer's pictureDebbie Thrower

Funerals – help in unprecedented times

Updated: Apr 29, 2020

(Photo credit- Sam Setchell)

I'm conducting a funeral this week and only six mourners will be present during the 20 minutes allotted at the crematorium. The deceased did not succumb to coronavirus in this case but, nevertheless, it's distressing for families not to be able to comfort one another by giving a hug or offering a strong arm to lean on.

A new page on the Church of England website gives bereaved families support and advice for when they can’t go to a funeral. There are downloads to help them remember someone and to pray at home. You can access it by clicking here, and then share it by email, text or on social media. Be sure to scroll down that page for an excellent film clip from the bereavement charity about how to help people who are grieving. The simple advice: contact, listen and bless.

Other advice from the church on big life events – baptisms and weddings – is also available here.

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