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  • Writer's pictureDebbie Thrower

Life's labyrinth

I call a proper summer holiday one where you have the opportunity for relaxation and recreation, and if there can be sand between the toes so much the better! I'm fortunate to be home recently from a lovely spell away in the Isles of Scilly, based on the small island of Bryher - the most westerly settlement in England, I'm told.

I came across this labyrinth on a walk near Hell Bay. You might like to explore how to walk a labyrinth spiritually through this downloadable resource?

Normally, Bryher has only about 80 residents until summer visitors boost the population considerably. I went to the small church of All Saints on the Island which was familiar to me from the popular BBC TV series 'An Island Parish' more than a decade ago. I used to work with the original creator and presenter of the series Nigel Farrell in my times with ITV Meridian, before his untimely and very sad death from cancer when still in his fifties. I said a prayer for this former colleague who so regrettably never made 'old bones'.

Church services across the outlying islands during the summer are taken by a succession of visiting clergy who offer their ministry in exchange for a pleasant stay in a church house on the nearby island of Tresco.

Built in the eighteenth century and improved in Victorian times, All Saints Church, as you can see boasts a set of four enchanting stained glass windows by Oriel Hicks on the theme of Jesus' sayings on creation. The local community made us very welcome on successive Sundays and for that many thanks!

All Saints Church, Bryher, Isles of Scilly


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