We're delighted to introduce our new Anna Chaplaincy Lead developing work among older people in Cumbria, Katherine Froggatt. We asked Katherine to tell us a little more about herself:
I joined the Anna Chaplaincy Cumbria project at the start of October. I have a background in nursing and have spent the last 25 years working in hospitals and universities researching and teaching about older people, palliative care, care homes and dementia.
The last project I led concerned the development of Namaste Care, a multi-sensory approach to care for people with advanced dementia living in care homes. I have also undertaken training as a spiritual director, offer one-to-one spiritual accompaniment and help out on retreats in daily life.
I see the role as Anna Chaplaincy Lead in Cumbria as bringing together my professional knowledge and expertise with my faith life.
I am excited by this opportunity to take forward the development of a network of Anna Chaplains across Cumbria. While these are challenging times to be setting up new initiatives, the COVID-19 context makes the need for Anna Chaplaincy even more evident.
We are fortunate in Cumbria that over the last five years the support of people with dementia has been taken forward and a network of dementia enablers are now based in many local churches. Working with this network and the established ecumenical links between churches in the county I am confident that the Anna Chaplaincy ministry will develop here.
We already have two Anna Chaplains appointed: Beverley Moore in Kendal and Babs Lowes in Barrow-in-Furness. Working together, we aim to build the ministry across Cumbria to the benefit of older people, their family and staff who care for them. Further news about their work will follow.