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  • Writer's pictureDebbie Thrower

‘Social care affects us all’ – new video ahead of Reimagining Care report

Anna Severwright, Reimagining Care commissioner and coconvener of Social Care Future

Later this month we’ll be able to read the long-awaited report of the Archbishops’ Commission on Reimagining Care. I’ll be at the report launch in London (writes Debbie Thrower) and to whet our appetites, commissioners are producing some short videos explaining why what they’ll have to say will be significant for us all.

The new report, ‘Care and Support Reimagined’ coming out on 24 January seeks a radical rethink of our attitudes to care and support. Watch Anna Severwright, a member of the commission, explain her perspective on why social care is so important.

The report promises ‘a new vision for care and support, based on Christian theology, tradition and values. One of the core beliefs of Christianity is that every single person has been created equally in the image of God. We all have value, dignity, and purpose.’

‘Yet there are deep-rooted assumptions in our society that some people are more worthy of value and attention than others. We cannot begin to change the social care system until we see a change in attitudes. The ways we think about care, about those of us who draw on it, and those of us who provide it, need to change. ‘One of the reasons that we do not value care and support is because of underlying social attitudes towards age, disability and mental illness. There is stigma and discrimination for those of us who draw on care and support, and, as a result, for those who work in providing that care and support. People who draw on care and support are “othered”, dismissed as “vulnerable” and “needy”.’

‘The fact is that almost all of us at some point in our lives will care for others at times, and also receive care from others. If we are to reimagine care and support we must shift our language and thinking from “them” to “us.” We must recognise that social care affects everyone because fundamentally it’s about enabling everyone to live a full life in their communities.

‘In our report, we will be proposing actions to achieve a positive vision of care and support and the values which underpin it.’


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