More and more initiatives are emerging helping to get older people online and enable people to stay connected. This one in Barnsley, South Yorkshire, is highlighted by the Centre for Ageing Better.
Meanwhile, if you are interested in how tech support may be improved in residential settings, there is a webinar coming up next month on the subject:
Technology in Care Homes Date: Wednesday 25 November 2020. Time: 13.20–14.30 GMT Register here.
The webinar team contributors are:
Henk Herman Napp, EKTG International Ambassador, Netherlands
Rob Halhead, DOCOBO, UK – Digital Health and Telehealth solutions
Ernie Graham, Graham Care Home, UK
Debate will focus on the issues and opportunities. Organisers say if you have any particular questions you would like the panel of experts to address, send them to Maggie Ellis and they will do their best to include them.