An exhibition inspired by Anna Chaplaincy. Saturday 28 September 2019
Exhibition notes
'I am holding an Exhibition in Alton, Hampshire, with a friend, Becky, on 28 September,' writes retired Anna Chaplain Helen Jesty, 'and would love it if you and any others you know were able to pop along to take a look.
'We are presenting an eclectic mix of work in mixed media: paint, textile and collage. Some exhibits are work we have made on our own. Others have been created out of our partnership during the time I worked as an Anna Chaplain, supporting older people in Alton. Our exhibition theme, The Bitter and the Sweet, emerged out of our conversations around the challenges faced by older people and their families as they approached the end of their lives.
'We devised several projects that brought older people and their families together with children, and it was exciting to see many magic moments, shared one with another. We concluded that this theme was relevant whatever our age and worth exploring through our artistic endeavours.'
The event will take place at The Maltings, Alton, on Saturday 28 September, between 10.00 am and 5.00 pm.
'Jane Austen’s home in Chawton is nearby and worth a visit too, although you have to pay and our Exhibition is free!
'The Maltings has plenty of car parking space, but do be careful not to miss the turn from Turks Road into Maltings Close. Hope you can come along.'