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The first of many Elim Pentecostal Anna Chaplains, it's hoped...

Anne Bowers (fifth from the left) and Margaret Allsop (seventh from the left) are prayed for by Debbie Ducille (thrird left) and church members, including Pastor Dan Bennett (far left)

On November 5, Debbie Ducille was delighted to join the members of Beacon Elim Church in Malvern celebrating the commissioning of the first ever Elim Anna Chaplain, Anne Bowers and Anna Friend, Margaret Allsop.

Local pastors Dan Bennett and Trudi Smyth incorporated Anne and Margaret’s testimony and commissioning within the church's Sunday morning worship with great thought and care, and Debbie Ducille (our Church Lead) was honoured to preach on Psalm 71. She reflected on what it means to age with ‘confidence’, i.e. ‘with faith’.

‘It was a really moving service,’ said ‘and an absolute joy to join this church in their prayerful sending out of Anne and Margaret, after several months of discussion and discernment.’

A wonderful affirmation also came in the shape of a recorded video message from Nigel Tween, who leads Elim’s chaplains' association in the UK. Nigel expressed his good wishes and blessings on this new ministry, and hailed Beacon Church as a pioneer, being the first Elim church to have Anna Chaplaincy as part of their ministry in the wider community.

‘Anna Chaplaincy is a prophetic call to the church in the United Kingdom to take seriously the spiritual needs of our senior citizens,’ he stated, and he prays that ‘we will see many more Elim churches establishing Anna Chaplaincy, this vital ministry, over the coming years.’

Amen to that, Nigel! The national team are in conversation with several other Elim churches in different contexts, and hope that individuals with a heart for this sensitive ministry of accompaniment will come forward from across all denominations, as they discern God’s call.


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