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  • Writer's pictureDebbie Thrower

‘We can up those numbers’ – BBC Norfolk’s Sunday morning show featuring Anna Chaplaincy

Updated: Mar 10, 2023

BBC Radio Norfolk presenter Matthew Gudgin

Sandwiched between the music of Andrew Gold and Marvin Gaye, Anna Chaplain Gaye Hailstone told the Sunday morning audience of BBC Radio Norfolk all about what she does in her role!

Gaye, who is based in Yare Valley Benefice near Norwich, is one of twelve Anna Chaplains currently in the diocese of Norwich.

Presenter Matthew Gudgin gave a warm welcome to the idea of ‘an Anna Chaplain in every parish, or at least every deanery, and we have 20 of those’ said Gaye towards the end of the interview. Matthew was sure that that total could rise: ‘We can up those numbers’, he said.

Anna Chaplain Gaye Hailstone

He heard how Anna Chaplains take worship into care homes and visit those who live on their own in their older age. Matthew asked Gaye, too, about the process of becoming an Anna Chaplain. Gaye directed them to the diocese of Norwich website for further information.

She stressed how the ministry is for everyone irrespective of whether someone goes to church or not. She also kindly offered to meet for a cuppa with anyone who might be interested in becoming an Anna Chaplain (or volunteer Anna Friend), and who’d like to have a chat to find out more.

You may listen to Matthew Gudgin’s show which was broadcast last Sunday 5 March via BBC Sounds, and Gaye’s segment is about 2 hours 19 minutes into the programme.


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