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  • Writer's pictureDebbie Thrower

What is successful ageing?

Updated: Feb 10, 2023

A study day with Revd Canon Professor James Woodward

A day at Sarum College, Salisbury, with James Woodward on 21 April will be an opportunity to explore what we mean by ‘successful ageing’. How can we live well and flourish throughout the span of years?

‘What is successful ageing?’ will explore different stories of what it means to age well in the light of important theological and spiritual questions. To book a place on the course or find out more follow this link .

James Woodward is the principal of Sarum College and a friend to Anna Chaplaincy. He has written extensively on the theology of ageing and dementia, including the influential book Valuing Age (published by SPCK in 2008).

He offers pastoral supervision for some Anna Chaplains and is helping BRF explore opportunities for continuing ministerial education for those engaged in ministry with older people.

The course is in person at Sarum College, in the beautiful grounds of Salisbury Cathedral. It runs from 10.00 am – 4.00 pm and the £60 fee includes lunch and refreshments.


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