Warm congratulations to Janes Tomes who has become an Anna Chaplain in Busbridge and Hambledon.

The churches there have a thriving seniors’ ministry led by Penny Naylor who has been part of our network since 2018 and is delighted to have Jane as her new Anna Chaplaincy colleague.
Jane writes: ‘I was commissioned as an Anna Chaplain in December at my church in Busbridge, Godalming, Surrey. My commissioning service took place within our morning family carol service so there was quite a big congregation!

‘Mark Williams was leading the service and was photographed handing me my head licence agreement. I was invited to say a few words about what an Anna Chaplain is and what I was hoping to do in the parish. It was a great opportunity to introduce Anna Chaplaincy, and I got asked more questions after the service!
‘I have belonged to this church for some 35 years and have been involved in some role most of that time. I was a pastoral assistant for many years and for the last eight years have been part of the older people’s team as a helper and on the activities committee.
‘I have always been drawn to older people and indeed, in my day job as a physiotherapist, I tend to work mainly with older people.
‘One of the church meetings organised was for Debbie Thrower to come along and talk about Anna Chaplaincy. It was there a “seed was sown,” I think, and I was keen to learn more about it.
‘The leader of our older person’s ministry, Penny, has been a huge help and encourager in my moving forward with the Anna Chaplaincy and I have felt very supported along the way. I enjoyed the training and particularly meeting others with a wealth of experience and information too.
‘I am excited to embark on this new year with a new mission! I have been so welcomed by the coordinators and due to the time and effort they have already given to me, am confident I can get going! I look forward, also, to networking and meeting other Anna Chaplains.’